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    Liability-driven investment

    Liability-driven investment

    The ability to manage both asset and liability risks is key to manage outcome certainty. We provide tailored solutions to address a comprehensive array of risk factors and asset classes including interest rates, inflation, equity, credit, longevity and currency.

    A leading risk manager


    risk management solutions assets under management globally1


    UK investment consultants have ranked Insight in first place for Overall LDI Quality for 14 consecutive years2


    Year Insight launched its LDI capability


    Insight is one of the largest managers of LDI based on worldwide assets3

    A specialist in liability-driven investing

    Insight’s leadership in LDI is built on years of experience helping a wide range of pension schemes, large and small, to develop and implement robust long-term funding strategies focused on their endgame objectives. Over the years we have helped our clients to evolve their approach in response to changing circumstances and market conditions.

    We have long experience and expertise in managing the key liability risks for defined benefit pension schemes, using both pooled and segregated LDI solutions.

    Our hedge management approach aims to ensure our LDI solutions remain efficient and cost-effective in a very dynamic market and regulatory environment.

    Insight's LDI platform has risk protection mechanisms which have helped to protect our clients through stressed market events.

    The next biggest risk for UK defined benefit pension schemes, after interest rates and inflation, is longevity risk.

    Insight has extended the LDI toolkit by providing a platform through which small and large pension schemes can efficiently transfer longevity risk to the reinsurance market.

    Source: Club Vita, April 2021. Based from information in the Pension Regulator’s Scheme Funding Analysis 2020 & 2010 and the PPF’s Purple Books, approximately converted. Figures show the drivers that would increase the deficit in the average of the worst 5% (1 in 20) outcomes

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    Over the last few years, more of our pension scheme clients are turning towards integrated risk-management solutions specifically designed to help them reach their funding objectives with increased investment efficiency, lower governance and greater resilience.

    In partnering with pension schemes to build an integrated solution, we aim to help manage the three main sources of risk: liability risks, return risks and cashflow risks.

    Find out more
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    Rethinking pensions risk management

    Rethinking pensions risk management

    Integrated Solutions is a comprehensive investment management service which aims to help trustees achieve their funding objective with greater certainty.

    Integrated Solutions is a comprehensive investment management service which aims to help trustees achieve their funding objective with greater certainty.

    Integrated Solutions

    Enhancing pension scheme strategy to increase certainty

    Managing exposures through derivatives

    Access a broad array of passive and active derivatives strategies to add value to your portfolio.

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    Downside protection

    Downside protection

    Strategies can be constructed using derivatives to help protect against the impact of downturns in equity markets, while also maintaining some degree of exposure to upside movements.

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    Release capital

    Release capital

    Derivatives require only a portion of total market exposure to be set aside initially, allowing you to gain desired exposures while leaving assets free for other purposes.

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    Modify asset profiles efficiently

    Modify asset profiles efficiently

    Derivatives can help you adjust your assets on an ongoing basis to better reflect your liabilities more swiftly and cheaply than through trading physical assets.

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    Manage overall exposure

    Manage overall exposure

    Derivatives can help target and modify total exposures across multiple portfolios – even if they are managed by different asset managers.

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